Well I've been enjoying my bike on the road a little too much. Its been a few days since I've posted. I know, I've neglected my duties to all of my many, many followers (currently 0). So, Sunday was the big shop ride. A ride that everyone that works at the shop and a few customers ride together. It usually ends up happening in the Fall because we're too damn busy WORKING during the nicer seasons.
Sunday morning my girl and I woke up, suited up, and hopped on the Nigh-thawk for her first real ride. We headed up towards the shop, bundled up pretty damn good because it was quite brisk out. We go to the shop a little early so we hit 7-11 for some coffee. My girl made me proud by carrying them both back to the shop and not falling off even once! On our previous short jaunts out together I've taken notice to a good bit of rubbing of the rear tire (no my girlfriend isn't fat). Apparently with the new shocks in back it just isn't quite enough and there was a bolt sticking out under the fender. So, when we did get back to the shop I got rid of the bolt sticking out and it made it rub a lot less.
The sun was out and it started to warm up as everyone pulled into the shop's parking lot. We all said our hellos and the bosses started discussing where we were headed. When that was decided we all fired up our bikes and those of us with ladies in tow had them mount up the rears. Mine of course was the quietest seeing how just about everyone else had a Harley. We rolled out of the parking lot two by two. About 8 of us all together.
We all followed one of our customers through Bucks County and through some great twisty roads. The scenery was great, lots of green but the leaves were definitely changing. Our first decent sized town was New Hope, a bustling yuppy shopping town with lots of people out walking. From there we crossed the bridge from Pennsylvania to New Jersey and followed the Delaware river North. A car started to hop out in front where my boss was riding and he locked up his new front PM caliper (not quite used to there stopping power yet) and very nearly went down. He recovered nicely with a bit of pain in his foot and a bit less rubber on his front tire. The road was wide and straight and we got to open up the throttles a bit. It was still a bit chilly and I could feel my girl rub her face in the hood of my sweatshirt every once in a while. The next town was very similar to New Hope, but I had never been there. We pulled are bikes into a spot down a side street. We talked it out and one of my co-workers suggested a place she knew a little ways away with some good riding to get there and we were back off to the races with a new leader.
This particular co worker has more miles under her belt then anyone I know (I think) and she can ride like hell. We went through all kinds of twists and turns and she made them look effortless. I was personally struggling through most of them and trying to catch up after everyone. We'll blame that on my center stand cutting my lean angle down and having a passenger, but I won't even pretend to be able to hold my own following her. It was a great ride ending up at a Stewart's Rootbeer hot dog joint.
The ride back was rather uneventful except I did get to see what the old Nigh-Thawk is made of. We hit a stretch of highway and got on them a good bit. my speedo read 90 but its off and my boss said it was only 70. I think it was 80 though.
Well thanks for reading. If you got this far I am impressed. Don't forget to leave me some comments and click on these wonderful Google ads. LATERRRRR
Who has coffee holding skills??? Oh yeah, that's right, ME! && Hey I'd totally follow you, but chances are I'll forget I even have an account lol. Besides, not a stalker *Cough cough* uh, I mean follower. Anyways, had a great time Sunday!! <3